Tuesday, March 28, 2006

""I aim to lose weight from now on", "I will exersice now on", "I will eat a healthy diet now on." Do these lines sounds familiar to you?

It would not be too presumptious to say that each and everyone one of us has probably uttered these very words, or heard them declared to us, at some point in our lives.

Unfortunately, for many the 'now on' never seems to fit on their now.

We all live busy lives - chasing the dream, running the household, working overtime or fighting for a cause. It is surprising how many (if not most of us) seem to hold a low priority for our health or worst, neglect it all together.

Has it never dawned on us that without a healthy body, we cannot reach the goals or desires of out hearts?

Ok, so you might retort, "Duh! Thanks for stating the obvious Clinton." Well that's because unfortunately sometimes we humans don't see the obvious.

So I recently heard about this guide in a talk and I thought I'd share it with you. It's a rough guideline and I trust it will be of benefit to you.

So without further ado...

1. Eat to Live, not live to eat

That's simple enough right? Don't overeat. We were meant to eat to live, not live to eat. I once heard, your stomach is only as big as your fist. What you put in, determines what you get out.

2. Supplements

Alright, we all have heard of constrasting and conflicting views on supplements. One moment this is good, the next its turned bad.

This is where we need to get the opinion of a trusted physician, someone we know who can give us an honest and balanced view on supplements, for the primary goal of helping towards getting a healthier lifestyle.

3. Practice advanced hygiene

One of the most basic things some people fail to do regularly is to brush their teeth at least twice a day (everybody say ewww!). It doesn't end there, some fail to regularly wash their face, dig their ears, trim their nails or wash their hands after using the toilet.

Make sure you regularly wash your hands, eyes, nose, ears, face and mouth to
maintain a good and healthy hygiene.

So don't procrastinate any longer. Act today, watch your health and live well... and then chase your dreams, cause then you'll be able to run without passing out.

Stay tuned for Part 2 of this series coming very soon.

*7 steps adapted from Jordan Rubin's 7 Week Wellness


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